Terraria moon lord normal mode
Terraria moon lord normal mode

terraria moon lord normal mode terraria moon lord normal mode terraria moon lord normal mode

Snow islands even have Snow Clouds in place of Rain Clouds. Floating Islands are either Deserts with sand instead of dirt and/or Snow biomes with snow instead of dirt, with a corresponding Water Fountain.Cactus plants placed during world generation have a chance to be larger than usual.Deserts have a much higher chance of generating with a Pyramid.Their chance to replace a forest tree during world generation is increased from 5*1/20 (5%) to 16.67*1/6 (16.67%). Living Trees generate much more frequently and may be clustered and interconnected underground.The surface layer is slightly thicker, with the underground starting slightly lower than normal, relative to map height.Little Eater of Souls and Big Eater of Souls). Scaled-up enemies are slightly larger and scaled-down enemies are slightly smaller (e.g.Glowing moss biomes now have a chance to generate below the spawn area in the Cavern layer.Gem trees and Underground Living Mahogany Trees are much more common.Both Oceans always generate with an Ocean Cave, which normally has just a 25*1/4 (25%) chance.The generation of the houses is noticeably flawed and glitchy, with houses clipping into each other or spawning with incorrect dimensions. The Underworld's horizontal layout is inverted, with the middle third as a continuous lava lake and the two thirds at the edges containing Ruined Houses.Bee Hives are larger, have elevated spawn rates that match Blood Moons and contain multiple Larvae.The Underground Desert can generate on either side of the world, making it possible for the Underground Desert, Snow and Jungle biomes to all be on the same half of the map.Marble and Granite Caves swap their generation style, i.e., Granite Caves are long, horizontal passages, and Marble Caves are open caves with occasional ledges.The normally unobtainable items Moon Lord Legs and Red Potion can generate in Chests with a 6.67*1/15 (6.67%) and 3.33*1/30 (3.33%) chance to appear, respectively.Living Mahogany Trees can generate anywhere underground, not just in the Jungle.This is not updated while playing in the world the world will need to be exited and re-entered to refresh the information. If the number of all placed tiles of Silver Ore in the world exceeds that of placed Tungsten Ore, then Silver Bullets will be sold and dropped, and vice versa (if the numbers are equal, Tungsten Bullets will be sold and dropped). It is determined upon loading the world whether Silver or Tungsten Bullets are sold by the Arms Dealer and dropped from Pots.For instance, the Guide will use the first quote if the third altar generated Adamantite Ore, then use the second quote after the fourth altar is destroyed, and the first again after the fifth altar is destroyed, and so on. However, in drunk worlds, this is switched every time an altar is destroyed. I bet you could make some really powerful stuff with that!" " Try combining a Hellforge with some titanium ore." Try combining a Hellforge with some adamantite ore.The Guide's following advice text normally depends on whether Adamantite or Titanium was generated:.Destroying more altars will repeat the cycle, generating more veins of the six ores. Destroying the first three altars will generate Hardmode ores as normal and destroying the next three altars will generate the other variants. This applies to Hardmode ores as well: It requires destroying six Demon or Crimson Altars for all ores instead of three.both Copper and Tin instead of only one of them). Both ore variants for each tier generate, instead of just one (e.g.In multiplayer, only players who unlocked the "Music" option themselves will hear the change. Every song in Terraria's soundtrack is replaced with an Otherworld equivalent. Once unlocked, the option carries to all players and all worlds. Visiting this world once permanently unlocks a "Music" option in the Party Girl's menu, to toggle the game's default soundtrack for the Terraria: Otherworld soundtrack.The Party Girl replaces the Guide upon entering the world for the first time.1.6 Unaffected world generation aspects.

Terraria moon lord normal mode